after opened this image, i created a new layer. then i went to rectangular marquee tool and changed the style to the fixed size and changed the width and the height 900 x 40 pixels. moved the cursor to the upper lefthand side and clicked. the size that i changed appeared. then hold on the alt key then clicked backspace to fill the rectangular with black (the foreground color) and diselected.
hold on the alt key at the rectangular area then dragged it to the below just like the image that i showed. then i combined all the layer that have been created by clicking all the layers for the rectangular then clicked ctrl+E to merged all the layers and named it as slats 1 because i will create slats 2 after this. then duplicated the slats 1 and named it as slats 2. then i hided slats 1 and slats 2
then i went to the channel pallet, i chose the green layer. then i went to the pop up menu, duplicated the green layer and with the new document then alpha 1 created. made it into grayscale.